Saturday mornings are usually a leisurely affair in our household. I'm the one who stumbles into the kitchen bleary eyed and bed-headed in my pj's desperately seeking out the coffee pot. I'm grumpy and i communicate in grunts. Once i have my hands tightly wrapped around that steaming mug of freshly brewed french press, i become human again. We are definitely not the family who comes to the breakfast table all sparkling clean and new. Last weekend was an exception, because we didn't convene around our usual breakfast table, but chose instead to head to Green City Market "early doors" to snaffle the best fresh produce and enjoy coffee and fresh pastries. There are folks who do this weekly and without a doubt i understand its appeal. When residing in France we find a different local outdoor market to frequent every day, and a little place to drink a small black coffee and eat the occasional croissant au beurre. At Green City, not only did we get to feast on Monkey Buns (like a croissant but folded differently and topped with a sprinkling of sugar), fresh wholewheat pancakes and buttery brioche, but we came home with a small collection of rather fine ingredients. Ah, and the coffee, Chicago's very own Intelligentsia, a homely cup of freshly brewed medium roast just topped off with milk. The "rather fine ingredients" included (amongst other things which i will wax lyrical about in a future post but think fresh cheese and interesting coloured vegetable variations) spinach and a boule of sourdough bread enveloping small buttery sweet chunks of Yukon Gold potatoes. The spinach along with 2 crushed garlic cloves became a soft frittata made with a half dozen free range organic eggs. I volunteered for the extra special wibbly wobbly soft bit in the middle, and spread it onto my bread, a very satisfying end to our Saturday morning.